Four Things You May Not Know About Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is known in some circles as an alternative treatment for various conditions. It can be that, and it can also be a complementary treatment in addition to traditional medical treatments. This method of treating various diseases and conditions can be quite effective for patients. Unfortunately, there are myths and mysteries surrounding the practice that cause people who could benefit from the procedure to overlook it or doubt its effectiveness.

An Ancient Form of Medicine

While patients in the United States have only started becoming acquainted with acupuncture in the past few decades, the practice has been used for thousands of years in China and other Asian countries. In fact, the modern form of acupuncture practiced today is based on teachings from the 15th century Ming Dynasty. Points that acupuncturists use today have been found mapped out on bronze statues from that era.

Minimal or No Pain

Yes, very thin needles are used in the procedure, but believe it or not, there is usually no pain involved; if you do feel something, it is no worse than a mosquito. You may feel a tiny bit of pressure, a bit of achiness or tingling, but no serious pain. If you do feel uncomfortable or have pain, let your acupuncturist know. Adjustment of the needle should remedy the problem.

It Is Not a One-Time Treatment

Like other alternative or adjunct treatments, acupuncture involves a series of sessions to get the desired results. Anytime you begin a regime of therapy, you can expect to attend at least a few sessions. It is the same with acupuncture. Each individual is different and your body will respond to treatment differently from someone else who has the same condition. Acupuncture must be used consistently for a period of time. It can take several weeks before you begin to see results, so do not be quick to say it does not work.

It Is Not Just for Pain

You are probably most familiar with acupuncture being used to treat pain. There have been studies that show its effectiveness in treating lower back pain, headaches, arthritis and other types of pain. It is also used to treat other conditions such as high blood pressure, nausea, sleep disorders and more.

At Allied Pain & Spine Institute, our licensed acupuncturists successfully treat a variety of pain conditions and injuries. Ask about this simple and effective method for relieving your pain. Call today to schedule an appointment.

Posted on behalf of Allied Pain & Spine Institute