Treatment for Pain-Related Mood Disorders
Living with chronic pain is not only a physical condition. Limits on mobility and lifestyle caused by chronic pain can impact many elements of your life. Depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common pain-related mood disorders that can complicate how chronic pain affects your life. At Allied Spine & Pain Institute, we offer treatment for pain-related mood disorders as part of our comprehensive wellness plans for patients.
There are multiple reasons that chronic pain conditions can result in mood disorders. While everyone experiences occasional pain, chronic pain is pervasive and lasting, often changing the trajectory of a person’s life. This can have an emotional impact. Many people with chronic pain feel frustrated or like the pain has taken control of their life. These can result in feelings of hopelessness that can lead to depression or other mood disorders.
Chronic Pain Therapy for Mood Disorders
At Allied Pain & Spine Institute, our pain specialists understand that the body and mind are connected. A disorder in the body can impact the mind and vice versa. Pain-related mood disorders are not a separate illness from the chronic pain condition – it is a symptom or by-product. We offer innovative treatment plans to include treating the body and the mind together. Our pain specialists offer advanced treatments for the following pain-related mood disorders at our clinics throughout the Bay area:
Our pain clinics include a team of doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and psychotherapists that work together to provide comprehensive body and mind treatment for patients with chronic pain. Our goal is to provide the therapies and treatments to conquer or effectively manage pain and related conditions to improve our patients’ quality of life.
If you suffer from chronic pain, it can impact both your physical and mental health. At Allied Pain and Spine Institute, we offer a multi-disciplinary approach when treating chronic pain and related mood disorders. Contact us at our clinic in San Jose or our medical centers throughout the Bay area to schedule a consultation to discuss your chronic pain-related mood disorder.