Category: Cryotherapy

Is Cryotherapy Iovera a Good Option for Your Pain?

man holding his lower back from pain

There is a new pain treatment option called iovera®, which works by applying targeted cold to a peripheral nerve. A precise cold zone then forms under the skin, which is cold enough to immediately stop the nerve from sending pain signals while avoiding damage to the surrounding tissue. The effect is temporary until nerve regeneration… Continue reading

Relieve Pain with Cold Therapy

leg pain

Pain and swelling are caused by tissues becoming inflamed from an injury. Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, works to numb the affected area and reduce the blood flow. Cold therapy is the “I” portion of R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). The cold will help minimize the inflammation and swelling around a tendon or… Continue reading

The Power Of Cold Therapy

a woman in a pink shirt holding her neck with both hands

While the history of using ice and other forms of cold therapy for injuries dates back to the 1950s, there is a new wave of therapy called Iovera treatment that uses the body’s natural responses to cold to immediately reduce pain. This latest form of alternative therapy is FDA approved to block pain—minus the use… Continue reading