Tension Headaches Treatment in San Leandro
The most common type of head pain is the tension headache. While it may be common, a tension headache can still disrupt your day and make it almost impossible to concentrate. If you have frequent tension headaches, there are options to relieve pain and minimize the frequency of these episodes. If you are looking for tension headaches treatment in San Leandro, CA, come see us at Allied Pain & Spine Institute.
An occasional tension headache is common and usually not a medical concern. Over-the-counter pain relievers can dissipate tension headaches if you only have episodes once in a while. It is when tension headaches are frequent or chronic or last for long periods that medical treatment may be required.
Symptoms of Tension Headaches
Tension headaches can affect any part of the head and usually have the feeling of pressure. It may feel like a band of pressure on the forehead, sides of the head or the back of the head. The dull, aching head pain can last from 30 minutes to several days. Some individuals may experience scalp or upper neck tenderness with their tension headaches.
Tension headaches can be episodic or chronic. When you have tension headaches 15 or more days per month, you may have a chronic condition that needs treatment. Anyone who has two or more tension headaches a week should seek medical diagnosis to determine the cause and best treatment options.
Treatment for tension headaches can range from lifestyle changes and medicine management to acupuncture and relaxation techniques. There are many possible triggers and causes of tension headaches, so treatment will vary greatly from patient to patient. Our pain management specialists at Allied Pain & Spine Institute can perform a thorough analysis to determine the source of your tension headaches and provide a personalized treatment plan for pain relief.
You do not need to live with frequent or chronic tension headaches. Take back your life and relieve your head pain with a visit to Allied Pain & Spine Institute. We have locations throughout the Bay area, including our medical center in San Leandro, CA, near Oakland and Fremont. Contact our clinic today to schedule your tension headache consultation.