Can Anything Be Done for Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy can be annoying, frustrating and painful for anyone suffering from it. Many people do not understand what causes it, and equally as important, they do not know if anything can be done to relieve it. Let’s look at what peripheral neuropathy is, why it happens and if successful treatment can be found.
What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is when one or more peripheral nerves are damaged or impinged. The peripheral nerves extend into the leg, foot, toes or the arm, hand and fingers. Underlying medical conditions cause peripheral neuropathy such as diabetes, Lyme disease, chronic kidney disease, HIV, cancers, vitamin deficiency and sarcoidosis. In addition, alcohol, some medicines and accidents can also lead to peripheral neuropathy.
There are two classifications of peripheral neuropathy. Mononeuropathy refers to a single nerve. Paraneuropathy refers to more than one nerve involved. In addition, neuropathy can be chronic (ongoing, gradual) or acute (current issue, sudden onset.)
What Does Peripheral Neuropathy Do to Your Body?
Peripheral neuropathy affects three distinct types of nerves: sensory, autonomic, and motor. Sensory issues include numbness, difficulty to feel changes in temperature, loss of coordination, tingling, and extreme pain. At the same time, autonomic nerves create issues like diarrhea, impotence, constipation, bloating, dizziness, bladder issues, trouble tolerating heat and an inability to sweat. Finally, there are also motor function issues like muscle twitching, muscle weakness, cramps and even muscle paralysis.
The overwhelming aspect of peripheral neuropathy is these symptoms can happen to the same person, at the same time, depending on the problem. As a result, the symptoms frequently overlap and progressively worsen until the problem is resolved.
Does Anything Work to Help Peripheral Neuropathy?
There are several ways to lessen or end peripheral neuropathy by affecting the underlying conditions. As the conditions improve, so can the neuropathy in many cases. These changes include nutrition and wellness routines. Eating a healthier diet and finding ways to reduce stress and eliminate overeating can make profound improvements. In addition, there are medications to help with many symptoms and side effects of neuropathy. Finally, physiotherapy can provide many aids and exercise to improve function and relieve pain. Peripheral neuropathy can lead to surgical options in some situations.
To learn more about how you can treat your peripheral neuropathy, contact Allied Pain & Spine Institute today.
Posted on behalf of Allied Pain & Spine Institute