Tips To Recover from a Groin Strain

A groin strain is a common injury involving tearing in any of the five groin abductor muscles located inside the thigh. People who participate in competitive sports like baseball, football and karate are more likely to get groin injuries.
However, the likelihood of sustaining a groin strain increases when additional factors contribute to the injury. For example, lower back issues and weak or tight abductor muscles can increase the risk of a groin injury.
Groin Strain Symptoms
Depending on the injury, the symptoms of a groin strain will range from moderate to severe. Symptoms of an injured groin include:
- Sudden sharp pain in the groin area or upper inside of your leg
- Pain in the groin described as a “pulling” sensation
- Your groin hurts when you touch it
- Challenging to walk (depending on the severity of strain)
- Running causes pain
- Bruising and swelling (occasional)
- Pain when raising the knee or moving the legs in and out
- A feeling of weakness or tightness in the injured muscles
- The sensation of “hot” muscles or a region that is warm to the touch
Sometimes it is unclear whether the injury is a groin strain or a hernia. This is because hernias can cause similar pain in the same region. Typically, a hernia can be characterized by a visible or palpable bump beneath the skin. Our Allied Pain & Spine Institute team can help confirm a groin strain and rule out other issues.
What Exercises Help You Recover from a Groin Strain?
You should take it easy for the first 48 hours and avoid painful activities and overstretching your muscles. Exercises for groin strains are crucial because they allow the injured area to bend, stretch new muscle tissue and regain strength. Once you feel comfortable moving the affected area, you can start doing light groin strain stretches. Start with simple movements that do not put too much tension on your groin, such as:
- Hamstring stretches against the wall
- Hip abductor stretches
- Stretching the groin while standing
When the pain in your groin improves, you can move on to more active exercises like these:
- Lying-leg crossovers
- Leg lifts
- Side plank
If any exercises increase your pain, stop immediately and seek medical attention.
How Long Does It Take for a Groin Strain to Heal?
The time it takes for a groin strain to heal depends on the degree of the injury and if the area has been adequately treated. For example, a mild groin strain can last for one week, while a severe one can last for four months.
Is Your Groin Strain Pain Unbearable?
While most groin strains heal on their own, the pain can be excruciating in severe cases. Please contact us at our Allied Pain & Spine Institute clinic in San Jose to schedule a consultation if your groin pain is unbearable. We provide electrotherapy, ultrasound, medications and injections as treatments for pain and inflammation.
Posted on behalf of Allied Pain & Spine Institute