Are You Suffering from Plantar Fasciitis?

Having plantar fasciitis can cause excruciating pain in the heel. It is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a very thick band of tissue that spans across the sole of your foot and joins your heel bone to your toe bones.
Plantar fasciitis frequently causes a stabbing pain when taking the first few steps after getting out of bed and standing up after sitting for a long time. The pain typically reduces when you move around, but if you have been standing for a long time, it could come back, making walking difficult and limiting mobility.
Plantar Fasciitis Causes and Risk Factors
The plantar fascia tissue resembles a bowstring. It supports your foot’s arch and absorbs impact when you walk. If there is too much tension or stress on the bowstring, microscopic tears can form in the fascia. Additionally, stretching and tearing repeatedly can cause inflammation and chronic irritation. However, some cases of plantar fasciitis appear to have no apparent cause.
Several factors increase your chances of getting plantar fasciitis, such as:
- Age: Most commonly between the ages of 40 and 60
- Improper footwear: wearing shoes with insufficient support
- Exercises that strain the heel: Ballet, long-distance running and aerobics
- Foot mechanics: Stress is increased by flat feet, high arches and hyper pronation (uneven weight distribution)
- Obesity: Carrying extra weight strains your feet with every step
- Particular occupations: Teaching or working in a factory requires prolonged standing, which puts too much stress on the plantar fascia
The sole of your foot may ache more during the day if you have plantar fasciitis, with stair climbing and prolonged standing causing the most pain. Ignoring these painful plantar fasciitis symptoms could lead to persistent heel pain, making daily tasks difficult. Furthermore, simply altering your walk to ease your discomfort increases your risk of developing future back, hip, knee or foot issues. Therefore, it is critical to receive appropriate treatment.
Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
If you have plantar fasciitis and it is causing you a lot of pain, please contact us at Allied Pain & Spine Institute today to schedule a thorough examination. Our team can aid in the diagnosis of your symptoms and develop a treatment plan to alleviate your heel pain while strengthening and repairing the ligaments in your foot. Part of the treatment might include physiotherapy with strengthening and stretching exercises. We also provide anti-inflammatory medications, which can lessen discomfort and give you complete mobility allowing you to carry on with your life.
Posted on behalf of Allied Pain & Spine Institute