
Understanding Failed Back Surgery

back pain

Failed back surgery is a term used to describe a situation where a patient’s surgery for back pain doesn’t resolve the original problem. In some cases, patients may experience worsening pain or discomfort in another area of the back if spinal instability increased after surgery. A pain management specialist can offer a fresh perspective and… Continue reading

Managing Chronic Cancer Pain

the woman has a stomach ache

For many of the million or so patients newly diagnosed with cancer each year, persistent pain is one of the more noticeable signs of the disease at some point. Frequently occurring during advanced stages of cancer, chronic pain may be the result of nerve damage from chemotherapy or radiation treatments, the presence of a tumor,… Continue reading

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

the woman has back pain

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is an uncommon form of chronic pain that typically affects a single limb. CRPS is often associated with a traumatic injury, stroke, heart attack, or previous surgery that was meant to correct another condition. The pain associated with CRPS is unique because it is out of proportion, which can make… Continue reading

Car Accidents & Chronic Pain

car accident

A car accident can happen so quickly that you don’t even see the other car coming. Though some injuries are easily recognized on the spot like a broken bone or a strained back, the symptoms of other injuries may not occur for several hours. For example, it can take up to a full day for… Continue reading

Back Injuries: When to See Your Doctor

man has back pain

Some back injuries are likely to require nothing more than a heating pad, some over-the-counter pain medication, and a little rest. Other injuries to your spine and supporting joints and muscles will likely require a thorough exam and diagnostic tests. Having a better understanding of when it’s time to see your doctor can prevent some… Continue reading

The Difference Between Acute & Chronic Pain

leg pain

In most cases, pain is the body’s way of warning you that something is wrong or that the body is under threat of an injury. Pain can be classified in a number of different ways. For example, it can be mild or severe, constant or intermittent, or acute or chronic. The following takes a closer… Continue reading

What is Chronic Pain?

woman has back pain

Chronic pain is a condition that can be defined as pain that lasts for an extended period of time without remission. It can range from mild and merely irritating all the way to excruciating—to the point that it reduces mobility and the quality of life of the patient. It can be a recurring issue or… Continue reading